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What kind of animal are you?


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You're a Lion!

Wherever your particular jungle might be, you are considered king or queen. With a noble yet relaxed air, you are able to control those around you by implied threat of force. There are those that would attempt to tame you, or even call you yellow, but you know that you're far too bold for that. You've often been seen hanging out on the steps of public libraries. Your favorite US state is Maine.

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You're a Human!

With extreme power comes extreme destructiveness, and you've had plenty of both to share with your peers. While you're capable of a great deal of beauty and joy, your skill in creating misery seems almost boundless at times. You've made a big fuss about how you're smarter than everyone else, but all they can see is how you've used those smarts for ill. At this point, your best hope is to turn to those around you and start caring about them. It would also be advisable to get rid of some of your stuff, and preferably not by throwing it away.

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You're a Beetle!

Talk about multiple personalities! You have more distinct perspectives and varied individuals in your head than just about anyone. You keep thinking you see yourself everywhere you go, as well. There are just so many folks who look exactly like you, who have your name, and it's left to the subtle differences for you to sort yourself out. If it sounds like you're confused, that's no accident. Your favorite car is a Volkswagen. Let it be!

Hm, veit ikkje korleis eg skal tolke dette... ;) Må seie at eg har Volkswagen Caravelle..

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You're a Hyena!

You have quite a sense of humor, though many others find it derisive

rather than appealing. You are perceived as being a coward, but actually have moments

of great bravery and have even stood up to those much larger than yourself. You like

hanging out in groups and are always making a lot of noise. Disney thinks you are an



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You're a Caterpillar!

You're often accused of being young and immature, but as far as you can tell, that's the only way you know how to be. People keep saying that a great change is coming, that things are going to shift and your whole world will turn upside-down, but this sounds like nonsense! In the meantime, you have an uncanny desire to eat constantly and periodically to mow the lawn or trim trees as well. People have said there'll be flight in your future, but you say it's for the birds.


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You're a Spider!

It seems like you have eyes in the back of your head sometimes, and you have an uncanny knack for creeping people out with that ability. You really enjoy eating wraps, though you like them even more if you made them yourself. You work tirelessly so that you can eat, but are good at getting rid of annoyances for other people. There's always just a little more drama than necessary when you're around. Oh, what tangled webs you weave!

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You're a Horse!

Versatile, powerful, and true, you have quite a reputation for hard work and a certain unbridled spirit. Many look up to you as an example of what people can really become, though somewhere deep down, you admit to feeling a little bit broken. You hate racing, but are still exceptionally good at it. Beware broken legs, dog food, and glue. If your name is Ed, you do a surprising amount of talking.

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You're a Bear!

Though you are capable of defending yourself or your loved ones when necessary, you are nowhere near as frightening as people think you are. Though you've been maligned in this way, you don't really hold it against anyone, especially if they're willing to supply you with honey or other sweets. Generally you like to laze about in rivers and fishing is a favored passtime. You have been known to disappear for weeks at a time to sleep. When you really need to put up with something, you merely grin...

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You're a Rabbit!

Sure-footed and exceptional at hearing, you have a great number of physical talents. While you do love carrots, you have an aversion to lettuce that no one seems to really believe. Looney Tunes have been your favorite cartoons for as long as you can remember. Though you'd never admit it, you've always wondered what it would feel like to be thrown into a briar patch. You really like, er, procreating, even more than most people. ;)

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You're a Butterfly!

Fragile and beautiful, you work as a good-luck charm for those around you. People are always happy to see you and sometimes beseech you to reach out to them as a blessing for their day. Though you are proud of your reputation, you strive not to forget your own humble beginnings and remember that not so long ago, everyone looked down on you. All you can do is appreciate the metamorphosis you made now that you're on its good side. You adore stained-glass windows.

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jeg prøvde den en gang til, og nå var det helt andre spørsmål...

Her er resultatet av nr 2...

You're a Monkey!

Hey hey! People say you monkey around! But you know that they're only envying the way you express your humor and good-natured spirit. While more intelligent than many of your peers, you choose to express it by making fun of them and laughing more than a more academic pursuit. In grade school, you were a ruler of the playground and could out-climb anyone you knew. If your name is George, you are hopelessly curious. In fact, even if your name isn't George, you are hopelessly curious. How common is the name George, anyway?

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You're a Wolf!

Known for eating your food quickly and traveling with a pack of close friends, you're what every teenager thinks of as being cool. You definitely have a mean side, but you'd tell people that society has made you that way. Sometimes it just feels good to howl. You keep thinking you see yourself on cheezy T-shirts. Young boys are encouraged never to say your name.

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Jeg måtte også prøve igjen

You're a Beaver!

Leave it to you. You're resourceful and clever and would probably make an excellent engineer of some sort. While you always have your wits about you, it's your teeth that might be your strongest attribute. If looking for a place to move, you should know that you will be revered in Oregon. In the meantime, be careful of the devastating flooding you might encounter. Dam the man!

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You're a Butterfly!

Fragile and beautiful, you work as a good-luck charm for those around you. People are always happy to see you and sometimes beseech you to reach out to them as a blessing for their day. Though you are proud of your reputation, you strive not to forget your own humble beginnings and remember that not so long ago, everyone looked down on you. All you can do is appreciate the metamorphosis you made now that you're on its good side. You adore stained-glass windows.

I'm a Butterfly, too!

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You're a Bee!

Hard-working and loyal, you are one of the few supporters of the Queen who remains steadfast in her service. You do find time to stop and smell the roses in your busy schedule, but you don't let this distract you from your endless duty. Your favorite term of endearment is "honey". You've always been very fond of the painted dividing lines on freeways. In the 1980's, people briefly thought you were a killer.

:rolleyes: jaha...

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You're a Unicorn!

All over the world, little girls either want to spend time with you or possibly be you. Revered and loved by so many, it's hard for you to admit that you might not be the person you say you are. In fact, you might not be at all! But before you get swallowed in this existential crisis, remind yourself of your sharp skills at self-defense and clean-cut good looks. Surely anything so pure as you must live forever! You love to hang out around carousels.

Øhhh... ;)

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You're a Dog!

You like to make loud noises, lick things, and express excitement whenever possible. More than anything else, others judge you by your lineage and how you were raised. You are very capable of learning how to perform intricate and detailed tasks, though you can sometimes be too easily manipulated by your taskmaster. Your best friend is a man. When sleeping, you want to be left alone. Secretly you suspect and say to yourself that the whole world is going to you.

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You're an Ant!

Ridiculously strong and hard-working, you almost never find time to rest. Despite the aghast protests of your peers, you never seem to want to rest either. You're at your best when working with a team, and long lines don't seem to bother you. Just about the only thing you can't take on with a cheerful and industrious attitude is cinnamon. You have a niece or a nephew.


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Haha..så kult..


You're a Dragon!

Noble, regal, and highly misunderstood, you're a bit of a loner at heart. You like caves, the sky, and other vast expanses of air where you can blow off steam. You and people like you got a lot more respect in the old days, but now your type only shows up in songs about young children. They're the only people who really believe in your potential. As long as you believe in yourself, and don't breathe directly at anyone, you'll be okay. You have a strange liking for string and sealing-wax.

Mitt resultat..er det mulig?

Er jo både loner,glad i månen og himmelen,liker huler og primitivt levesett fasinerer meg..

En smule misforstått også kanskje..Drager er ikke farlige..hihi--bare ikke puste på noen!

Utenom det så har jeg jo en drage tatovert på leggen og er tilhenger av Nemi..så det passet meg bra det...

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You're a horse!

Versatile, powerful, and true, you have quite a reputation for hard

work and a certain unbridled spirit. Many look up to you as an example of what

people can really become, though somewhere deep down, you admit to feeling a little

bit broken. You hate racing, but are still exceptionally good at it. Beware broken

legs, dog food, and glue. If your name is Ed, you do a surprising amount of


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You're a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

You can't stop talking about the "good old days" of the past. While you remember everything being so much better and more glorious back then, you've got to realize that times have changed! It's time to move on, time to bring in the new technology and advancements! Still, there is some charm to your olden out-dated ways. Children seem to love you, for example, as do some historians and scientists. And you should really eat something... your bones are starting to show.

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You're a Hyena!

You have quite a sense of humor, though many others find it derisive rather than appealing. You are perceived as being a coward, but actually have moments of great bravery and have even stood up to those much larger than yourself. You like hanging out in groups and are always making a lot of noise. Disney thinks you are an idiot.

noe av det der er faktisk ganske riktig :(

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