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What kind of animal are you?


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You're a Penguin!

You like the dapper life, replete with elegant walks, lavish fish dinners, and of course dressing up, preferably in tuxedos. But when not walking out on the town, you actually have a fun side as well, sledding down mountainsides and frolicking in ice-cold water! How do you manage to keep these dual lives going, a veritable play-hard play-hard existence? People seem to love you, and where you live, you don't have much competition. After all, living in an inhospitable neighborhood at least means cheap land. What's cooler than being cool? Ice cold!

Kunne ikke vært lengre fra sannheten. Hi hi. :rolleyes:

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You're a Dove!

A fan of olives and the United Nations, you'd love to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. You like stretching your legs at major events, and have done your best to ward off floods when the waters have risen. All this running around leaves you exhausted, and it often seems you can never quite get the peace you so dearly crave. You really like to take showers.

Andre gangen jeg prøvde ble jeg en struts :angry:

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You're a Tyrannosaurus Rex!

You can't stop talking about the "good old days" of the past. While you remember everything being so much better and more glorious back then, you've got to realize that times have changed! It's time to move on, time to bring in the new technology and advancements! Still, there is some charm to your olden out-dated ways. Children seem to love you, for example, as do some historians and scientists. And you should really eat something... your bones are starting to show.


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You're a Monkey!

Hey hey! People say you monkey around! But you know that they're only envying the way you express your humor and good-natured spirit. While more intelligent than many of your peers, you choose to express it by making fun of them and laughing more than a more academic pursuit. In grade school, you were a ruler of the playground and could out-climb anyone you knew. If your name is George, you are hopelessly curious. In fact, even if your name isn't George, you are hopelessly curious. How common is the name George, anyway?

*kremt* Vaktmesteren på skolen min måtte faktisk finne en stige, og klatre opp for å redde meg ned fra flaggstangen jeg klatret opp i i 1. klasse ;) Men det er LENGE siden, så det husker jeg ikke...

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You're a Mongoose!

Famous and fabled, you are well-loved by those around you, especially those above you. You rise to many challenges, and your speed and agility allow you to outwit those you don't like and others hate. While you don't appear vicious, your unassuming appearance helps draw people into underestimating you. You really like the name Rikki.

Jaja, hakke sett dette dyret før heller (:

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You're a Hyena!

You have quite a sense of humor, though many others find it derisive

rather than appealing. You are perceived as being a coward, but actually have moments

of great bravery and have even stood up to those much larger than yourself. You like

hanging out in groups and are always making a lot of noise. Disney thinks you are an



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You're a Mongoose!

Famous and fabled, you are well-loved by those around you, especially those above you. You rise to many challenges, and your speed and agility allow you to outwit those you don't like and others hate. While you don't appear vicious, your unassuming appearance helps draw people into underestimating you. You really like the name Rikki.

Jaja, hakke sett dette dyret før heller (:

jeg ble også mongoose! :rolleyes:

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You're a Peacock!

Always eager to impress others, you've spent a great deal of time working on your physical appearance. The result is that you do manage to impress some, but you're also very blue. You cover this sadness with an air of looking down your nose at others and even tend to strut about when in a crowd. Some people have trouble saying your name without giggling or at least smirking.

Jeg prøvde en gang til å da ble jeg:

You're a Dove!

A fan of olives and the United Nations, you'd love to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. You like stretching your legs at major events, and have done your best to ward off floods when the waters have risen. All this running around leaves you exhausted, and it often seems you can never quite get the peace you so dearly crave. You really like to take showers.

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You're a Dog!

You like to make loud noises, lick things, and express excitement whenever possible. More than anything else, others judge you by your lineage and how you were raised. You are very capable of learning how to perform intricate and detailed tasks, though you can sometimes be too easily manipulated by your taskmaster. Your best friend is a man. When sleeping, you want to be left alone. Secretly you suspect and say to yourself that the whole world is going to you.

Jeg også ble dog ;):unsure:

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You're a Ladybug!

Most people assume you're female upon seeing you, even though you might very well be male. Don't let this gender-bending get you bent out of shape, though... you just happen to exhibit the quiet dignity and soft demeanor that people associate with the feminine side of things. Your favorite fruit is the watermelon. For some reason, people think it's fun to sing about horrible things happening to you and your family.


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Rart det blir så mange forskjellige, når det er så få spørsmål. :unsure: alle svarer helt forskjellig :D

Det kommer forskjellige spørsmål alt etter det du svarer på de før... :D Om du skjønner, er ikke flink til å forklare :)

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You're Animal!

You love rock-n-roll, and you really know how to rock! Drums are your specialty, but you can always do a hearty round of backup vocals. No one knows exactly what language you're speaking in, and few people really seem to care. You've always wanted one of those psychadelic traveling vans or buses, but never quite got up the dough to make it all work out. When in doubt, yell your name discordantly at the top of your lungs!

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You're a Dolphin!

Revered by many, mysterious to some, playful to others, you are one of the more discussed people around. You're clearly very smart, but you don't really seem to apply the intelligence much. You seem more determined to figure out how to relax and maximize your personal pleasure, which you do an excellent job of. When you were younger, you had a terribly traumatic accident with a tunafish can. Whenever you leave places, you have a strange habit of yelling out "So long, and thanks for all the fish!"

Passer bra, i og med at jeg alltid har vært veldig facinert av delfiner. Kanskje noen er facinert av meg, og? :)

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