Ingen dvergschnauzere er kuperte i alle fall. Ifølge hjemmesiden kan de kun stilles hvis det medfølger veterinærattest:
"To enter the show with a dog with amputated ears the owner must show the original veterinary certificate, where the medical reason for which the amputation was required is properly specified."
"CANNOT BE JUDGED This rating is to be given to any dog which does not move, which is lame, which constantly jumps up and down on its handler or tries to get out of the ring, which makes it impossible to assess the gait and the movement or avoids constantly to be examined by the judge and makes it impossible to inspect teeth, anatomy and structure, tail or testicles. This rating is also to be given if traces of operations or treatment can be observed which seem to indicate that the exhibitor wanted to deceive the judge. The same applies if the judge has ample reason to suspect operations that were intended to correct the original condition or feature (e.g.: eyelid, ear or tail). The reason why the dog was rated “cannot be judged” has to be stated in the judge’s report. Non- qualified subjects can’t stay in the ring."