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DogWellNet: International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD)


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Det har blitt opprettet en spennende ny nettside: DogWellNet

Det er tidlige dager enda, men her her litt om hva det er og visjonen bak:

The International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD), legally registered in Sweden, is a non-profit organization. Its mission is to facilitate collaboration and sharing of resources to enhance the health, well-being and welfare of pedigreed dogs and all dogs worldwide.

Several national kennel clubs (Sweden, Finland, Germany, France and Norway), The Kennel Club (UK) and other stakeholders in dog health [The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (USA) and the Agria Pet Insurance-SKC Fund (Sweden)] have made formal commitments to move this work forward.

The Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI), which represents 87 national kennel clubs, is an Initiating Patron of this effort, providing seed funding in 2012 and 2013 for the later establishment of IPFD and, as of January 2015, has joined as Member.

The IPFD will be open, inclusive and transparent in its structure and function. The IPFD will soon engage more members from throughout the world, including additional cynological organizations, professional and academic groups, welfare organizations and corporate/industry partners.

Partners/members make a declaration of intent, an excerpt from which states that “the IPFD and DogWellNet.com will offer a non-partisan and a-political platform where the focus is directly on the goals of advancing the health, well-being and welfare of dogs.”

  • Facilitate collaboration and sharing of resources to enhance the health, well-being and welfare of pedigreed dogs and all dogs worldwide.
  • An enduring global collaboration enhancing dog health, well-being and welfare, and human-dog interactions.
Values and Beliefs
  • Dog health, well-being and welfare and human-dog interactions contribute to the quality of life for both species.
  • The world is a better place because we share it with dogs.
  • Dog issues are important around the globe and international sharing and cooperation is needed.
  • To enhance the health, well-being and welfare of dogs and enrich human-dog interactions.
  • To facilitate sharing of knowledge, information, experience and resources across stakeholders (e.g. kennel clubs (KCs), veterinary and other professional organizations, health foundations, and others) to improve the health and well-being of purpose-bred dogs.
  • To provide structure, evaluation and interpretation of information to support the actions of stakeholders in dog health, well-being and welfare.
  • To facilitate specific actions to improve health and well-being of dogs, e.g. to support globally relevant breed-specific breeding strategies.
  • To run the web platform (DogWellNet.com).
  • To bring the dog community closer together through DogWellNet.com.
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Bra tiltak og håper de får til mye bra.
Man kunne håpe at de kunne gjøre det så enkelt som en internasjonal registreringsdatabase ala dogweb bare for alle land... Tror det hadde gjort mye for helsa til hunder, ved at man feks fikk opp reell innavlsgrad og statistikk fra hunder fra flere land for samme rase... Men mistenker at det er et litt fåfengt håp...

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