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I know it probably won't affect anyone here but it's looking like the end of the Hungarian Kennel Club, which is an FCI member, as the Hungarian government has passed a law saying that from 15th May this year only government departments can register animals, including puppies or kittens. It's of concern to me as The Hungarian Kennel Club recognise Silkens so if the World or European shows were held there silkens could compete (as they did at the European Show in Slovenia).

This is an excerpt from a Hungarian dog shower/breeder...

MEOE (Hungarian Kennel Club) is the official hungarian member of FCI.

You might see the confusing posts here on FB about the club, and all you can understand that's something wrong is going on, but have no idea what the problem exactly is? Now I'm trying to let you know.

Hungarian agricultural ministry pushed thru a regulation what modifies the hungarian law about animal breeding, including dog and cat breeding. After the 15. of May 2012, only goverment recognized dog breeding associations (so called ETSZ, and their national alliance, the so called MESZSZ) will be permitted to issue pedigrees for dogs, create regulations

about breeding and control breeding, qualify brood bitches and stud dogs, and so on.

MEOE is not state recognized by time, so the over 100 years tradition might end because of the high penalties and fines MEOE can be penalized with, in case of continuation dog registration activity and all other above mentioned things in connection with dog breeding. The problem is that ETSZ organisations and the MESZSZ are NOT recognized by FCI, and most of the hungarian dog people don't want to leave the 113 years old MEOE and join some new and immature organization what won't be able to carry on. Plus FCI declared they won't recognize any other organizations in Hungary but MEOE.

So we are in catch 22 now: MEOE wont't be able to issue pedigrees, determine and control breeding after 15. of May, while the ETSZ organizations and MESZSZ have no FCI registration, and they don't look like they were ready to continue the work of MEOE. We don't know the future of hungarian dog breeding...if there is any future for us at all.

I do feel for anyone showing/breeding dogs in Hungary at the moment. I then went on to wonder what would happen if our government decided they could do a better job than the KC?

Noen som vet noe mer/har hørt noe mer om dette?

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Første gang jeg leser det nå :( Viser vel hvor lite vett det er i regjeringa som sitter nå... i vinter gjorde de det ulovlig å være uteligger, så om du er så uheldig å være hjemløs i ungarn får du en bot om du blir oppdaget, og om du ikke kan betale den risikerer du fengsel, så er overhodet ikke overrasket over at regjeringa gjennomfører noe så lite gjennomtenkt som dette.

Får krysse fingrene for at MEOE klarer å bli godkjent av staten, er jo helt idiotisk hele opplegget.

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Har ikke hørt at MEOE har vært ute i samme "uvær" før, men er jo nesten litt rart at FCI lot de bli tildelt WDS hvis det er så ustabilt der? Eller kanskje de har en back-up plan vi ikke vet om.

Minner forøvrig litt om den franske modellen. Der er det også mange rare statlige regler. Blant annet skal alle valper og kattunger som registreres ett år ha navn på samme bokstav...

Vet ikke om det er LOOF som også har hunderegistrerings "oppsynet", men det er i alle fall de som har det på katt (i Frankrike) mens kattene og hundene også registreres i et annet forbund (ala NKK i Norge). Har forstått at det er noe lignende på hund. Kanskje det er dit man kommer i Ungarn også?

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Fikk dette sammedraget fra Ungarn:

13 years ago, a group of people left MEOE, and started lobbying at the Agricultural Ministry. They succeeded: dog breeding was drawn under state direction, ”state approval” became compulsory, and dogs were declared as farm animals. That time, the ministry declared that group of people as ”state approved”. Since that time, we live in a parallel way: MEOE keeps the stud books and organizes shows as part of the FCI system, and the ”state approved” group has not really done anything, but trying to get the FCI rights from MEOE. They register only 2 breeds as a ”state approved” organisation, it is not an FCI registry, and they organize shows, which are not FCI shows.

In the meantime, the Constitutional Court decided that dogs can not be considered as farm animals, and that MEOE is a civil organisation, and as such can not be governed by the state.

Now, the infringement law and its part about breeding aminals has been modified. It says that only ”state approved” organisations are allowed to register and organize dog shows in Hungary. In fact, MEOE can not do anyhting, otherwise it, its board, and even its judges have to pay a penalty of a very high amount. So, MEOE has not been terminated directly, but it has benn made dysfunctional. This modification will come into effect on 15. May. Negotiations are going on, MEOE will publish an official statement soon.

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Huska visst feil ref. svaret mitt i tråden om å søtte MEOE. Huffda hukommelsen er visst ikke helt på topp :rolleyes2:

Hvis noen har noe mer informasjon, så kom med det. Jeg har også lest det som står på FCI sin forsside:

Considering the current situation that our member in Hungary, MEOE (Magyar Ebtenyésztök Országos Egyesülete), is facing, the FCI members and the FCI General Committee wish to reiterate their full support to our very long-standing member (FCI member since 1933).

Talks and negotiations will take place with the Hungarian political authorities but we want to insist to the world dog community that MEOE can count with our unconditioned support and friendship.

for et rot!

Akkurat nå er jeg veldig fornøyd med å ikke bo i Ungarn.

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  • 1 month later...

fra: http://www.nkk.no/nkk/public/openIndex?ARTICLE_ID=14211

Den ungarske kennelklubben reddet

Regjeringen i Ungarn implementert nylig lovverk som medførte at landets kennelklubb gikk en uviss fremtid i møte. Heldigvis er konflikten nå løst, og den ungarske kennelklubben får fortsette sitt virke.

Ifølge den ungarske regjeringens nye lovverk kan kun organisasjoner som er støttet av regjeringen registrere hunder og arrangere utstillinger.

Dette truet den FCI-støttede ungarske kennelklubben (Magyar Ebtenyésztök Országos Egyesülete - "MEOE"). Samtaler ble derfor innledet mellom MEOE og regjeringen. MEOEs president András Korózs melder nå i en offisiell pressemelding om at konflikten er løst, og kennelklubben kan fortsette sin drift:

"Det er med glede at jeg informerere alle medlemmer og partnere om at driftsproblemene for vår kenneklubb nå er løst.

Regjeringen har hatt en rettferdig og lovende holdning i forhandlingene om en løsning, og som resultat kan MEOE fortsette sin drift på en slik måte at de forespeilte FCI-eventene (FCI IPO World Championships 2012, FCI Obedience World Championships 2013, FCI General Assembly, FCI World Show 2013) vil avvikles som planlagt. Vi ønsker dere alle velkommen tilBudapest og WDS 2013"

NKK har tidligere uttrykt sin støtte til MEOE, og støtter som FCI-medlem MEOE i deres videre drift.

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Kan lese om det på Pestiside også, der har de lagt ved en statement fra MEOE: http://www.pestiside.hu/20120605/government-suffers-rare-defeat-in-war-on-foreign-dogs/#more-6562

Virker jo greit. Ser ut som jeg blir å få med meg world dog show i Ungarn (wohooo), men at det ikke virkerh elt avgjort hva som vil skje med MEOE.

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