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What kind of animal are you?


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You're a Cow!

Solid and reliable, you are happiest when things are slow and stable. You like frolicking in the fields, though you quickly run out of the energy required for actually frolicking. You really like the name Bessie. You're also a huge fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Bart Simpson. Though you hate to admit it, your mammary glands get a ridiculous amount of attention.

Noe av det stemte da.. :(

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You're a Dragon!

Noble, regal, and highly misunderstood, you're a bit of a loner at heart. You like caves, the sky, and other vast expanses of air where you can blow off steam. You and people like you got a lot more respect in the old days, but now your type only shows up in songs about young children. They're the only people who really believe in your potential. As long as you believe in yourself, and don't breathe directly at anyone, you'll be okay. You have a strange liking for string and sealing-wax.


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You're a Kangaroo!

Big and brash, but also spry, you were probably a track star at some point in your life. You certainly could do well at the field events, if not always the track as well. When not jumping over hurdles on the track, you've found ways to overcome hurdles in life, usually by stuffing things away for later use. This resourcefulness is combined with a certain amount of charm to persuade others to your side. You've been meaning to take up kickboxing as well, just in case.

Hehe det er jo litt likheter her da.. :(

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You're a Wolf!

Known for eating your food quickly and traveling with a pack of close friends, you're what every teenager thinks of as being cool. You definitely have a mean side, but you'd tell people that society has made you that way. Sometimes it just feels good to howl. You keep thinking you see yourself on cheezy T-shirts. Young boys are encouraged never to say your name.

Jeg som elsker ulver og allting :(

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You're an Emu!

Tall, thin, and a bit lacking in poise, you have a gait all your own. You never seem to manage to get your projects off the ground, despite giving the apperance of being able to do so. You're beginning to feel a bit defensive about your precious bodily oils. Contrary to the rumors, you have never actually done a mating dance at a college debate tournament, nor do you say the word "mep".


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You're a Hippopotamus!

Some people call you fat, but you prefer to think of yourself as well-insulated. After all, having a little extra helps you stay underwater, which is where you'd prefer to be anyway. The mere sight of you reminds people of one of their favorite childhood games, not to mention being hungry. If only those plastic pieces didn't keep jamming! Your favorite saint is St. Augustine. Against all odds, you are considered to be rather talented at ballet.

Hah, ikke helt fornøyd med den nei.

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Tok den flere ganger, hehe, ble jo bare sånne teite ting:

You're a Jackalope!

A huge fan of the Old West and its mythology, you've often wished you'd been born 150 years earlier. You'll challenge almost anyone to a race, and usually go so quickly that your opponent can't even see you. Someday, there will be stories about you, perhaps even legends, and you'll just wrinkle your nose knowingly at what's been said. Your mission is to walk swiftly and carry big sticks.

You're a Hyena!

You have quite a sense of humor, though many others find it derisive rather than appealing. You are perceived as being a coward, but actually have moments of great bravery and have even stood up to those much larger than yourself. You like hanging out in groups and are always making a lot of noise. Disney thinks you are an idiot.

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You're a Starfish!

To others, your presence seems to denote greatness, or at the very least something celestial. You're enthralled by the heavens above and seem to always be looking to them for guidance. Once you decide to stick to something, it's very difficult to get you away from it. You really don't seem to mind other people, even strangers, touching you. We can't all be you; someone has to applaud.

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You're a Rabbit!

Sure-footed and exceptional at hearing, you have a great number of physical talents. While you do love carrots, you have an aversion to lettuce that no one seems to really believe. Looney Tunes have been your favorite cartoons for as long as you can remember. Though you'd never admit it, you've always wondered what it would feel like to be thrown into a briar patch. You really like, er, procreating, even more than most people.

:P jaja jeg liker gulrøtter da haha og lonney toons er jo morsomt :P

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You're a Wooly Mammoth!

A little heavy and a lot shaggy, you move a little slower than the world around you. You definitely wish global warming would go away, and maybe even reverse itself a bit. You like long walks on the ice floe, and could even get stuck there without minding too much. Your favorite Sesame Street character is Snuffleupagus. Beware of tar pits... although you really didn't need to be told that, did you?

Ha ha, kult :P

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You're a Cheetah!

You are fast. Really fast. So fast, in fact, that many people may never see you as you pass them by. You definitely have your soft spots, or maybe just a lot of spots in general. You'd like to think of them as freckles. When others say your name very quickly, you think they're accusing you of something.

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You're a Weasel!

Cunning and conniving, the only thing darker than your motives is your reputation. People shy away from you, consider you slimy, and warn their children not to make friends with people like you. A rare few have even threatened to skin you alive. The good news is that you're clever enough to keep away from others for the most part. You are most popular when screeching.

Makan til frekkhet.. Noe kan jo stemme, menne.. haha, ikke alt:p

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You're a Rabbit!

Sure-footed and exceptional at hearing, you have a great number of physical talents. While you do love carrots, you have an aversion to lettuce that no one seems to really believe. Looney Tunes have been your favorite cartoons for as long as you can remember. Though you'd never admit it, you've always wondered what it would feel like to be thrown into a briar patch. You really like, er, procreating, even more than most people.

:innocent: jaja jeg liker gulrøtter da haha og lonney toons er jo morsomt ;)

ja da er vi 2 lisa :P

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You're a Goose!

Most folks think you're silly, but those who know you best realize that you can be quite serious and even vicious! You remind people of dinosaurs with your stately gait and strange way of staring them down. People also associate you with pillows and other elements of their bedding, but this just makes you shudder. If you're from Canada, you've really been bugging people lately. What's in the bag?

Hmm... ikke helt fornøyd nå jeg da.... <_<

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You're a Hyena!

You have quite a sense of humor, though many others find it derisive rather than appealing. You are perceived as being a coward, but actually have moments of great bravery and have even stood up to those much larger than yourself. You like hanging out in groups and are always making a lot of noise. Disney thinks you are an idiot.

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  • 3 months later...

You're a Moose!

Majestic and mighty, you consider yourself one of the eldest and most important folks around. At the same time, you have eccentricities. You've been known to get things consistently caught in your hair, and when very angry often resort to head-butting. You adore chocolate pudding(er så sant!). In another life, you bumbled around with a small friend, trying to catch equally bumbling Russian spies.

Jøss, ante ikke jeg hadde så lange pene bein... :angry:

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You're a Human!

With extreme power comes extreme destructiveness, and you've had plenty of both to share with your peers. While you're capable of a great deal of beauty and joy, your skill in creating misery seems almost boundless at times. You've made a big fuss about how you're smarter than everyone else, but all they can see is how you've used those smarts for ill. At this point, your best hope is to turn to those around you and start caring about them. It would also be advisable to get rid of some of your stuff, and preferably not by throwing it away.

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You're a Gecko!

As long as you can remember, you've really enjoyed putting various limbs of yours up on walls. While some people yearn to be the proverbial fly on the wall, you have a knack for blending into a situation and eavesdropping undetected to your heart's content. Lately you've taken to telling people just how much they can do with 15 minutes or less. To make people happy, you've recently learned how to do the robot dance move.

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You're a Peacock!

Always eager to impress others, you've spent a great deal of time working on your physical appearance. The result is that you do manage to impress some, but you're also very blue. You cover this sadness with an air of looking down your nose at others and even tend to strut about when in a crowd. Some people have trouble saying your name without giggling or at least smirking.

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You're a Tiger!

You've really earned your stripes. People like to sing about your eyes, which some find to be thrilling. You're rather fond of Detroit, as well as half the universities and high schools all across America. When people want to calm you down a bit, they use the word "easy". Overall, you're grrrrreat!

Haha :angry:

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You're a Cat!

Sometimes fat, sometimes in the alley, you are always cool. You often stray from the norm, but you're also willing to stay inside the house if it's nice enough there. Even if you're female, people always assume you're male when discussed in conversation. In spite of yourself, litter seems to follow you around almost wherever you go. Your favorite US president is James A. Garfield. You're most fun when wearing a hat.

hihi - Syns den passa fint jeg :angry:

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    • Jeg har heller ikke lov å gjerde inne utenfor, så jeg har en hau kompostgrinder stående som jeg drar ut og bruker som gjerde når jeg vil. Funker gull og ikke noen som kan si noe på det. 😊 Dog er egen hage et must når jeg en gang flytter, firte på det kravet her fordi jeg fikk så mye annet jeg ville ha og jeg kan gjøre som jeg gjør nå med grindene. 
    • Foreslår som Simira, langline. Da jeg bodde i Trondheim hadde jeg heller inne inngjerdet hage. Den lydige hunden gikk løs, den ikke så lydige var i langline. Haha, nei, si det. Man blir vandt med det etterhvert. Men det er mange ganger hvor jeg teller etasjene for å motivere meg  I tillegg har jeg drømt om å på en eller annen måte kunne gå rett ut fra 4.etasje og ned på gress. Vi koser oss ekstra mye når vi er på hytten hvor vi kan ta to skritt fra soverommet, også er vi ute.
    • Bodde i blokk (med heis) med marka like utenfor døra og parker i nærheten og synes det fungerte helt fint med valp/hund. Selvsagt deilig med egen hage som vi har nå, men det er først og fremst en større fordel for oss tenker jeg (tror ikke hunden bryr seg nevneverdig om å være ute i egen hage eller sitte en rolig plass ute i nærheten, med mindre hunden liker å være mye ute i hagen også alene da, som ikke har gjeldt hundene jeg har hatt/den jeg har). 
    • Haha, jeg skjønner ikke at folk takler det. Hadde en venninne som bodde i 5. etg med valp, uten heis. Hvordan går det an, liksom? Vi bodde i leilighet med én trapp ned/ut da vi fikk Odin, med Kovu hadde vi hus og hage så døren stod stort sett åpen ut. Og uten mulighet for inngjerding hadde jeg ikke vurdert en gang. Selv om man kommer langt med langline da. Men å kunne ha hagedøra åpen og bare la hundene gå inn og ut som de vil er så deilig.
    • Jo takk. Flytter i løpet av sommeren, håper jeg har nogenlunde renslig valp innen den tid.  Det som er dumt at jeg får ikke lov til å gjerde inn tomta, det er dritt. Er så vant til inngjerdet hage, det blir nok ny vane jeg må tillegge meg. Håper naboene er greie.  
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