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Wilfred Thesigers salukibilder


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Jeg leser Thesigers bok Arabian Sands om dagen, som også inneholder en del fine bilder. Wilfred Thesiger var en britisk eventyrer, som tilbrakte årevis sammen med nomader i de arabiske landene, og boken Arabian Sands er et av resultatene av disse reisene. Han var en eminent fotograf, og jeg søkte litt opp i dag og fant en del bilder hvor salukien er representert. Både bilde og tekst er hentet fra Pitt Rivers Museums nettsider. Bildene er litt små, så det er ikke alltid like lett å få øye på salukiene.


View of Wilfred Thesiger's travelling party trekking in Liwa oasis. In the central foreground four of Wilfred Thesiger's Rashid Bedouin companions ride their camels across a patch of bare sand sand dotted with a few small sprigs of vegetation. On the right Warad, the party's saluki dog, trots along beside them. Behind them a large salt flat covered with salt bush sits below a high dune rising on the left. This image was taken during Wilfred Thesiger's journey from Al Ain to Liwa oasis, Al Dhafra and Baynunah sands in November and December 1948.


Profile portrait of Warad, Wilfred Thesiger's saluki hunting dog, standing on a dune in Liwa oasis. In the foreground Warad, the travelling party's hunting dog, stands on a bare dune facing towards the left. In the distance beyond two groves of date palms, cultivated by local Bani Yas villagers, grow in neat rows in a depression. Behind the grove high sand dunes fill the landscape in all directions. This image was taken during Wilfred Thesiger's journey from Al Ain to Liwa oasis, Al Dhafra and Baynunah sands in November and December 1948.


Portrait of a peregrine falcon and saluki, belonging to Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's hunting party, resting in the sands near Al Ain. A peregrine falcon perches on a carved wooden wakir (block) staked in the sand, facing towards the left. A saluki hunting dog lies sleeping in the sand at the base of the wakir. In the background a large clump of bushes grows between sand dunes.


Portrait of a peregrine falcon and saluki, belonging to Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's hunting party, resting in the sands near Al Ain. A peregrine falcon perches on a carved wooden wakir (block) staked in the sand, facing towards the left. A saluki hunting dog lies sleeping in the sand at the base of the wakir.


View of three members of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's hunting party riding in Al Khatam sands near Al Ain. In the near distance three men ride camels in a line across a vast flat plain from the near left to the far right background, followed by a saluki hunting dog. The plain is dotted with scattered clumps of vegetation and a few low mounds of sand. Behind them a ridge of low dunes borders the flat in the far distance. This image was taken between December 20, 1948, and January 27, 1949, during which time Wilfred Thesiger stayed with Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan in Al Ain and joined him on a number of hunting excursions.


Portrait of animals in Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's hunting camp in Al Khatam sands near Al Ain. In the right foreground a hooded peregrine falcon perches on a carved wooden wakir (block) next to a saluki hunting dog lying in the sand. The saluki is extremely thin and looks back up at the falcon. Behind them blankets and other gear lie in the sand, in which a few large dry bushes grow. This image was taken between December 20, 1948, and January 27, 1949, during which time Wilfred Thesiger stayed with Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan in Al Ain and joined him on a number of hunting excursions.


Standing full length portrait of an Arab falconer, a member of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's hunting party, with a peregrine falcon, a camel, and a saluki in the Al Khatam sands near Jebel Hafeet (Jabal Hafit). In the foreground a saddled camel is couched in soft sand. Behind it at the far left a bony saluki hunting dog sniffs at the ground, while directly behind it an elderly falconer with a thick beard stands in profile, facing towards the left, holding a peregrine falcon on a mangalah (cuff). The man wears a light coloured thobe (long shirt) topped with suspenders and a cartridge belt, and a patterned ghutra (headscarf) over his head and the back of his neck. The falcon, blinded with a leather hood, perches on the mangalah facing towards the background. In the sands behind them small shrubs and bushes grow in an expanse of soft rolling sand. This image was taken between December 20, 1948, and January 27, 1949, during which time Wilfred Thesiger stayed with Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan in Al Ain and joined him on a number of hunting excursions.


View of four members of Wilfred Thesiger's travelling party trekking in the Al Dhafra sands, north-west of Liwa oasis. In the left foreground a tall scraggly bush grows on a stretch of flat sand marked by shallow secondary dunes. Just behind the bush three of Wilfred Thesiger's Rashid Bedouin companions, two of whom are carrying rifles, walk into the left distance followed by four of the party's camels. Warad, the party's saluki dog, walks along beside the men. At the far right a forth member of the party walks alongside one of the camels, holding a camel stick. In the distance low rolling dunes continue into the horizon below a cloudless sky. This image was taken during Wilfred Thesiger's journey from Al Ain to Liwa oasis, Al Dhafra and Baynunah sands in November and December 1948.


Portrait of an Arab falconer, a member of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's hunting party, riding a camel in the Al Khatam sands near Jebel Hafeet (Jabal Hafit). A falconer wearing a ghutra (headscarf), a patterned wraparound skirt and a thobe (long shirt) rides a camel across a low sand dune towards a dry bush. A falcon perches on the mangalah (cuff) covering the man's arm. Further ahead a saluki hunting dog stands just behind the bush. In the background a number of large bushes and small tufts of vegetation grow scattered across the dune slopes. This image was taken between December 20, 1948, and January 27, 1949, during which time Wilfred Thesiger stayed with Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan in Al Ain and joined him on a number of hunting excursions.


View of three members of Wilfred Thesiger's travelling party at Radum in Liwa oasis. In the foreground three of Wilfred Thesiger's Rashid Bedouin companions sit atop their camels, heading towards a high stone watchtower at the Bani Yas village of Radum. On the left one of the camels is eating some vegetation, while on the right Warad, the party's saluki dog, trots along beside the camels. In the far distance Radum's high stone watchtower, likely made of gypsum, sits in an expanse of sand high above a grove of date palms. This image was taken during Wilfred Thesiger's journey from Al Ain to Liwa oasis, Al Dhafra and Baynunah sands in November and December 1948.


View of Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's hunting party in camp in Al Khatam sands near Al Ain. In the foreground a hooded peregrine falcon perches on a carved wooden wakir (block) next to a large pile of blankets and saddlery gear lying in the sand. On the right a saluki hunting dog rests close by in the sand. In the near distance a man adjusts the saddlery on his camel. Behind him a vast flat plain dotted with scattered clumps of vegetation runs into the far distance, where a ridge of low dunes borders the flat along the horizon. This image was taken between December 20, 1948, and January 27, 1949, during which time Wilfred Thesiger stayed with Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan in Al Ain and joined him on a number of hunting excursions.


Portrait of six trained falcons and two salukis belonging to Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's hunting party resting in the sands surrounding Al Ain. In the centre foreground a saker (hurr) falcon perches on a wakir (block). Behind her five peregrine (shahin) falcons, three of which are wearing hoods, perch on their blocks. Further behind them two saluki hunting dogs rest in the sand beside clumps of vegetation.

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