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Oppdatering av wordpress


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Etter å ha herpet en gang for mye trenger jeg nå hjelp, både til å ta en backup og til å kjøre en oppgradering av wordpress-siden min. Pretty please? Enten en liten liste som er lett å skjønne, eller om noen kanskje bare kan gjøre det for meg...

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Wordpress oppdaterer seg no stort sett automatisk dersom du vil det :wub: Allt kan gjøres i administrasjonspanelet :wub:

Ja, men da fikk jeg ett hav med feilmeldinger. Når jeg klikker på upgrade automatically, så får jeg først opp dette:

Warning: touch(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 174

Warning: fileowner(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 628

Warning: unlink(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 630

Så lukker jeg øynene og fortsetter ved å sette inn hostname: zizco.net (?) klikker Proceed og får da opp dette:

Warning: touch(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 174

Warning: fileowner(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 628

Warning: unlink(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 630

Warning: touch(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 174

Warning: fileowner(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 628

Warning: unlink(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 630

Warning: touch(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 174

Warning: fileowner(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 628

Warning: unlink(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10081 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/zizco.net/httpdocs/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 630

Connection Information

Error: There was an error connecting to the server, Please verify the settings are correct.

To perform the requested action, connection information is required.

Liker ikke så mange advarsler jeg...

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