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Guest Jonna

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Innimellom kommer man over på FB o.l. illustrasjoner som kan være veldig fine for å få en forståelse for bevegelser, forklaringer på eksteriør, sammenligninger o.l.

Foreslår å samle de i en tråd her jeg. :)

Denne kom jeg over i dag, og vet jeg har sett flere.

I have noticed a lot of people don't understand what constitutes good side-gait in a pom. High stepping front legs or high kicking rear legs are not desirable, ...but BALANCE is. Visualize a triangle from the center of the dog's back and follow the reach in the front and drive in the rear. They should be in balance, not one reaching higher than the other, with good extension and reach. It may look "flashy" to see legs flying high off the ground but it is absolutely NOT correct... the front and rear should strike the ground when they reach the furthest point of extension, not waste action by reaching high up in the air. IMO in our breed it is preferable to have less impressive reach and drive as long as you are in balance, than to have a long reach that wastes action by lifting the front legs inches off the ground or that is not equally matched front and rear. The pom should carry its head high, not drop it, and move with front and rear in balance... as demonstrated by the lovely BIS BISS CH. CR Simply Irresistible in this photo, who shows what it means for a toy dog to "move like a big dog" while still being the picture of elegance. Thank you Celeste for breeding such a dog, this picture is now what I think of when I picture ideal side-gait in our breed... [ Photo is copyright 2011 by DogShots - taken by Beth Hilborn - beautiful photo! ]


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Alltid interessant og nyttig å se slike tegninger.

Fun fact - på bearded collien spesifiseres det at de skal være "singletracked" - dvs korrekt bevegelsesmønster for dem er at de i trav skal være midt imellom tegningene "crossing" og "close".

Man ser det tydelig hvis de går i nysnø - når de traver skal de danne ett rett spor. Ikke så vanskelig å tenke seg at det vil være enklere å bevege seg effektivt mellom stokk og stein oppe på det skotske høylandet hvis de kun trenger en potebredde med "flatmark" og likevel kunne trave effektivt.

Men man ser det ganske ofte i mange raser - flashy bevegelser med ALT for store og overdrevne bevegelser. Kanskje pent på flatmark og innendørs - men det synes tydelig at det ville være ekstremt dum idè å jogge rundt slik for å jobbe en hel dag...


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