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Cirneco dell'Etna / Etnahund


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Welcome to our Cirneco dell'Etna homepages: http://iosonocirneco.com/

Here is some text about the Cirneco dell'Etna written by Inka & Erja Luomanmäki/Kennel Iosono


The Cirneco dell'Etna is a primitive Sicilian hunting dog. Nowadays the Cirneco is kept as a pet outside of Sicily but in Sicily it is kept mainly for rabbit hunting. The Cirneco is one of the oldest breeds in Europe, many thoussands of years old. In Finland and other parts of Europe the Cirneco belongs to FCI group 5 (spitz and primitive types). However, the Cirneco belongs to Sighthound Clubs in many countries.

There are about 1500 registered Cirnechi in Italy. It is registered 150-200 puppies yearly. In the US there are over 150 Cirnechi and in Finland we have about 50.

The Cirneco is a very lively, clever, happy and playful dog and he needs a lot of attention. Sometimes it seems that Cirneco is that clever that he understands completely what you are asking him to do. During the puppy time the Cirneco puppy is very lively and playful but after getting adult at the age of 2-3 year old the Cirneco calms down a lot. Our Miki started calming down at the age of 3 years but however, he still can play for hours with our Nala the Italian Greyhound. The Cirneco is always ready to play even in their old days.

Cirneco has a strong temperament. He can be a bit reserved but friendly when meeting strangers or then very open-minded. It depends very much on the invidual dog. I have noticed that the puppies who have grown up in kitchen or living room together with people are clearly more open-minded and friendly than those who have grown up in a hunting kennel in Sicily without human contacts.

The Cirneco loves to be near you and actually it is quite a lapdog. Our Miki is always half on your lap while watching at TV. The favourite place to sleep is of course next to owners under covers - as the Cirneco loves warm. The Cirneco affects strongly into his family and he usually loves children.

I think the most important thing you can do when you get the Cirneco puppy is to socialize it. You have to take your puppy to different places (like city center, railway station, shopping mals etc) many times a week during its first year especially before he gets 4-5 months old. You should get the puppy used to different people, dogs, noices and situations. A dog who has not been socialized can be nervous and shy and he shows this by barking at people and dogs.

The Cirneco needs a determinative education, however you have to be very careful and tender while educating the dog. Cirneco has a long memory and he remembers very well if someone has treated him badly. Cirneco is more demanding and more difficult dog than Italian Greyhound or Whippet but easier than Basenjis. You should make the Cirneco puppy to know that you are the leader of the pack and not the puppy, otherwise the puppy may try to boss over you.

The Cirneco doesn't have a lot of will to please you, they can be quite stubborn and independent. However, they are very quick learners but they only do what they are told if they feel they gain something useful from doing it. Especially if you have something good (cheese or sausace) in your hand, you are surely obeyed with 100%! The Cirnechi do have more will to please than other sighthounds or Basenjis. The males are maybe more simple and more obedient than the females who are more clever. A Cirneco puppy owners needs lots of sense of humour, determination and patience.

The Cirneco gets well along with other dogs especially in his own pack. However, some dogs don't get well along with the dogs of the same sex. This is invidual and it can probably be caused by bad socialization. Some males can be dominative over other male dogs.

Most Cirnechi have a strong hunting instinct. The best excersize is that you let him run free in a safe place. It is better to let the Cirneco be free only in a place where are no roads nearby or then the place must be fenced. We have kept our Cirnechi free in forest only one by one; if they are in one pack and they see a rabbit - they surely run after it and nobody knows when they get back. Usually the Cirneco keeps an eye after you even while hunting. The Cirneco uses all of his senses while hunting; sight, scent and hearing. Cirneco needs quite a lot excersize but when it is cold or it rains the Cirnechi don't like being out. One longer walk and 2-3 shorter walks are good for an ordinary day.

Cirneco can still have some traits of guarding - they can may bark when the doorbell rings. The Cirnechi were used as guards of temples several thoussands years ago in Sicily and only lately the people of Sicily started using them for hunting. When the Cirneco is as only dog in family he is very quiet. But when there are more dogs in the pack they can use their voice quite a lot.

The coat of the Cirneco is very easy to take care, the Cirneco needs washing rarely. They doesn't shed much and you never have to vacuum because of hairs. Cirneco needs a warm jacket in the winter time because they don't have a thick coat to protect from cold (however, the Cirneco doesn't freeze as much as an Italian Greyhound).

You can do dog shows, lure coursing and agility with the Cirneco. It depends just on you how much you want to teach to your Cirneco and how much patience you have got! Cirneco loves running so I recommend every puppy owner to take part into lure coursing practises.

Cirneco is a healthy breed, there are no hereditary diseases found in the breed. However, some food allergies have been recorded as well as with other breeds.

Cirneco resembles Pharaoh Hound but it is smaller. The size is 46-50 cm with males and 42-46 cm with females. Usually they are more in the limit of the size (males over 50 cm and females at 46 cm) than in the ideal size limits. The main characteristic of the breed is ears which are completely up and strong.

Iosono Mea della Mea & Iosono Michelangelo






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